Monday, February 7, 2011

Labneh - our first cheese

Labneh is a cheese made from yogurt. Check out the wiki link for more info. I make this every time I make yogurt.  I cook with it and use in place of Boursin or Cream Cheese as a spreadable cheese. 

So it is time to make that first cheese!

This is so simple and delicious.  I keep saying that but it's true.  I get very busy and in order to be able to eat the way I want to on budget, I have learned to mostly eat food that is simple to prepare.  This is very versatile as well.  You can add whatever flavorings you like.  My favorites are honey/almond, garlic/chive, and lemon/basil.

Whatever you come up with, get it cooked if it is like garlic chive in a little olive oil until it is brown.   I recommend using a food processor to get everything small or you can hand chop it.  An easy trick on crushing nuts is to put them on a counter.  Take a cutting board.  Out that on top of them and smash them up!  The goal is for this to be an oil or the size of dried spices.
1 Mason Jar (or tub) of Yogurt
1 large spoonful of salt (use that kosher if you got it)
Flavorings of your desire
Colander – or big strainer
Mixing bowl of some sort
Cloth *


Pour yogurt and salt and flavorings into bowl.  Stir.  Line a colander with cloth.  Pour mixture into cloth.  Bring four corner of cloth together.  Tie string around the cloth.  Hang it up somewhere to drip.  Put bowl under it.  10 hours later, you got cheese!!
*I have a white cloth that I use only for cheesemaking.  It is not cheesecloth as that is actually too porous.  It is just a large white cloth that is pretty thick.  Keep it clean though.  Hand wash this in bleach water when you are done and air dry after a good rinse.

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